通過這個關於兩個女人的故事的特定網站展覽進行在線之旅:伊麗莎白·巴雷特·布朗寧 (Elizabeth Barrett Browning) 和 安 娜·瑪麗亞·德·赫蘇斯·里貝羅·達席爾瓦 又名,安妮塔·加里波第(Annita Garibaldi)由安娜·麗斯·詹森(Anna Lise Jensen)和阿麗莎·凱西(Alyssa Casey)策劃,由瓦萊麗亞·費德里奇(Valeria Federici)策劃。點擊進入
羅斯班克的中心是發明家安東尼奧·梅烏奇和傳奇英雄朱塞佩·加里波第的故居。該博物館擁有電話發明者和史坦頓島居民 Antonio Meucci 的實際“死亡面具”,以及其他發明、原創家具和家居用品。
Teletrofono 的展示
在家裡,Meucci 把他所有的時間都花在了他的電話上。在博物館裡,我們展示了“teletrofono”的原始模型。來自史泰登島附近各地的人們都來使用電話。
我們的二樓是一間臥室,保留了 1851 年至 1853 年加里波第將軍居住時的樣子。床上放著他的個人物品,包括一件禮儀襯衫和吸煙帽、他的煙袋、他的劍、一對獵槍,和他的手杖。床腳下是他的旅行包和板條箱。這個房間包括 1800 年代的生活方式,配有水槽、爐灶、寫字台和加熱器。
This room honors Italian immigrant and inventor, Antonio Meucci. Here on permanent display in his own home, are artifacts and artwork chronicling the life and inventions of the true inventor of the telephone. As you tour this exhibit you'll not only see models of Meucci's original "Teletrofono" but also his handcrafted rocking chair and piano.
The Anita Rose
The Garibaldi - Meucci Museum unveiled of a 3-D rendition of the “Anita Rose”, compliments of Staten Island Technical High School student Emma Wang, under the guidance of SI Tech principal Mark Erlenwein and teacher Amanda Stefanese. Other renditions of the rose were created by students Mingyang (Michelle) Yin, Damon Wu, Bandon Yeung and Benjamin Khobot.
The rose is a symbolic flower that is being cultivated in Italy and ceremoniously planted throughout historically referenced places in Italy and Brazil, to honor the heroic legacy of Ana Maria DeJesus Ribeiro DaSilva aka Anita Garibaldi, as part of the Anita Fidelis Project, which was represented by an Italian Delegation, spearheaded by Dr. Andrea Antonioli and Lieutenant, Giampaolo Grilli, and included Alessandro Buscaglione Garibaldi and his sister Maria Gabriella, both of whom are descendants of Menotti Garibaldi, son of Giuseppe and Anita Garibaldi.
Also, in attendance for the Anita tribute was Marciane Laskoski representing Dona Elma Santana, honorary president of the Anita Garibaldi Institute in Brazil.
The symbolic “Anita Rose” also represents a noble movement toward establishing an equal status for women of the world. The GMM looks forward to the spring of 2024, at which time it will ceremoniously plant the Anita Rose on its ample grounds. We at the museum also look forward to working with the students of Staten Island Tech HS on other museum projects.