Support the GMM

Since 1884, when Antonio Meucci first erected a marble plaque over the front door of the "Garibaldi Homestead" in tribute to his friend and hero, Giuseppe Garibaldi the Garibaldi Meucci Museum has continued to preserve the legacy of Italian-American history and culture. Today, the museum maintains a collection of artifacts which includes Giuseppe Garibaldi's famous red shirt and Antonio Meucci's prototype for the first telephone.
In addition, your donation will help to support our mission by offering the public historical tours, Italian language programs for all levels, school programs for grades K-12, temporary exhibitions, lectures and concerts.
Complete the form below to donate by credit card or PayPal or send a check directly to the museum at:
Garibaldi Meucci Museum
420 Tompkins Avenue
Staten Island, NY 10305
We thank you for your support of the Garibaldi Meucci Museum.